EXT:solrfal - Changelog
TYPO3 13.4 LTS
This is a maintenance release for TYPO3 13.4, containing:
What's Changed
- [FIX:P:13.0] Record-context: attachments in records without default language indexed in all cores by @dkd-friedrich in #314
- [TASK] Add RecordContextDetector tests by @dkd-friedrich in #314
- [BUGFIX] Fix translation handling on queue initialization by @dkd-friedrich in #314
- [BUGFIX] Fix file detection in PageContext by @dkd-friedrich in #316
- [BUGFIX] Fix handling of indexing errors by @dkd-friedrich in #317
- [BUGFIX] Fix error template path by @dkd-friedrich in #317
- [DOCS] Explain deletion of teaser data by @dkd-friedrich in #317
This is a first stable release for TYPO3 13 LTS
New in this release
- !!![TASK] Fix typo in method name
- !!![TASK] Doctrine DBAL 4 adaptions
- !!![TASK] Drop deprecated TypoScript file setup.txt.
- !!![TASK] Drop hook PageContextDetectorAspectInterface
- !!![TASK] Use generic Solr exception
All changes
- [BUGFIX] Support TCA type link by Georg Ringer (2017c2c)
- [TASK] Use TYPO3 13.4+ and 13.4.x-dev after TYPO3 13 LTS release by Rafael Kähm (17a0d75)
- [FIX] PhpStan and PhpUnit issues by Rafael Kähm (e558ebe)
- [TASK] run static analysis checks on TYPO3 majors min. PHP vers. by Rafael Kähm (e685f29)
- [TASK] Remove Implicitly nullable parameter declarations deprecated by Rafael Kähm (82b519f)
- [BUGFIX] Add missing commit in releases notes by @dkd-friedrich in #295
- [TASK] Autodetect languages in StorageContext by @dkd-friedrich in #296
- [TASK] Initial compatibility adaptions for TYPO3 13 by @dkd-friedrich in #299
- !!![TASK] Doctrine DBAL 4 adaptions by @dkd-friedrich in #299
- !!![TASK] Drop deprecated TypoScript file by @dkd-friedrich in #299
- !!![TASK] Drop hook PageContextDetectorAspectInterface by @dkd-friedrich in #299
- !!![TASK] Use generic Solr exception by @dkd-friedrich in #299
- [TASK] Adjust simulated context by @dkd-friedrich in #299
- !!![TASK] Fix typo in method name by @dkd-friedrich in #299
- [TASK] Update to typo3/coding-standards 0.8.0 by @dkd-friedrich in #299
- [TASK] Update to latest typo3/testing-framework by @dkd-friedrich in #299
TYPO3 12.4 LTS
- [BUGFIX] Add missing commit in releases notes (thanks to Markus Friedrich)
- [TASK] Autodetect languages in StorageContext (thanks to Markus Friedrich)
- [BUGFIX] Support TCA type link (thanks to Georg Ringer)
- [BUGFIX] PhpStan and PhpUnit issues (thanks to Rafael Kaehm)
- [TASK] Remove Implicitly nullable parameter declarations deprecated (thanks to Thomas Hohn)
- [BUGFIX] Record-context: attachments in records without default language indexed in all cores (thanks to Rafael Kaehm)
- [TASK] Add RecordContextDetector tests (thanks to Markus Friedrich)
- [BUGFIX] Fix translation handling on queue initialization (thanks to Markus Friedrich)
- [BUGFIX:BP:12] Fix handling of indexing errors (thanks to Markus Friedrich)
- [BUGFIX] Avoid type errors (thanks to Benni Mack)
- [TASK] Use new template module API (thanks to Stefan Frömken)
- [TASK] Remove ext_emconf.php autoloader (thanks to Stefan Frömken)
- [TASK] Update authors (thanks to Stefan Frömken)
- [TASK] Remove superflous @author annotations in sources (thanks to Rafael Kähm)
- [BUGFIX] Make DocumentFactory::getTranslatedRecordForItemAndTable nullable (thanks to Rafael Kähm)
- [BUGFIX] Static files in FileCollection not detected correctly (thanks to Rafael Kähm)
- [BUGFIX] Adjust returned queue initialisation status (thanks to Markus Friedrich)
- [BUGFIX] Respect result of TextExtractorRegistry (thanks to Markus Friedrich)
[TASK] Remove FrontendGroupRestriction workaround (thanks to Markus Friedrich)
- [BUGFIX] Fix returned queue initialisation status (thanks to Markus Friedrich)
- [TASK] Use ext-tika branch alias instead of dev-main (thanks to Rafael Kähm)
- [TASK] Use composer exec global instead of $(composer config home)/vendor/bin (thanks to Rafael Kähm)
- [TASK] Add tests for documentation (thanks to Markus Friedrich)
- [TASK] Replace cibuild.sh (thanks to Markus Friedrich)
- [BUGFIX] Non error-proof array key check for EXTCONF array (thanks to Rafael Kähm)
- [BUGFIX] Correct initialization of aspect (thanks to Georg Ringer)
- [TASK] Update testing framework (thanks to Markus Friedrich)
- [BUGFIX] Sometimes the ctype seems to be empty 10ab740 on @2023-09-25 (thanks to Georg Ringer)
- [BUGFIX] pages_language_overlay table was still used for translated page attachments 1a57201 on @2023-10-06 (thanks to Rafael Kähm)
- [TASK] Add missing @throws on RecordContextDetector methods 6e34200 on @2023-10-13 (thanks to Rafael Kähm)
- [TASK] use Throwable instead of Exception and apply EXT:solr* inheritance in exceptions fa4772b on @2023-10-13 (thanks to Rafael Kähm)
- [TASK] Refresh README.md e214c91 on @2023-10-13 (thanks to Rafael Kähm)
- [TASK] Include release 12 in release notes by @dkd-friedrich in #250
- [TASK] Sync with EXT:solr dev-main 2023.09.21 by @dkd-kaehm in #252
- [TASK] Enable page context detection on tt_content by @dkd-kaehm in #259
- [TASK] Prepare requirements for TYPO3 12 (d2a7f49)
- [TASK] Integrate PHPStan in EXT:solfal :: initial (d644010)
- [BUGFIX] Set PSR-4 Namespaces properly (e891164)
- [TASK] add EXT:tika to require-dev, since PHPStan requires it (d102af3)
- [TASK] Reuse EXT:solr cibuild.sh script (98d63a9)
- [TASK] Apply PHPStan level 3 and typo3-codings standards :: basics (44c7bd2)
- [TASK] Apply PHPStan level 3 and typo3-codings standards :: basics 2 (162218d)
- [TASK] Migrate fixtures from XML to CSV :: renaming part (a2ffc80)
- [TASK] Make EXT:solrfal be module working (f30faa9)
- [TASK] Migrate fixtures from XML to CSV :: formating part (fadaa43)
- [FIX] Unit/Integration tests :: basics (82a67a3)
- [BUGFIX] Add implements LoggerAwareInterface to classes using LoggerAwareTrait (268c611)
- !!![TASK:T12] Replace signal-slot with event dispatcher (20cbc52)
- !!![TASK] Refactor page|record|storage context :: intetrates usage of core context (da84929)
- [TASK] Raise PHPStan to level 4 and fix its issues (bfe722a)
- [TASK:T12] Make new TCA type 'file' functional (f07912b)
- [TASK] Raise PHPStan to level 6 and fix its issues (2efcbb3)
- [TASK] Raise PHPStan to level 7 and fix its issues (7ecdc56)
- [TASK] Refactor postProcessIndexQueueInitialization hook to AfterIndexQueueHasBeenInitializedEvent listener (178821d)
- [BUGFIX] Use AfterItemHasBeenIndexedEvent instead of its renamed version AfterIndexItemEvent (68cc885)
- [BUGFIX] Regressions of : [TASK] Raise PHPStan to level 6 and fix its issues (111acc2)
- [TASK] Refactor postProcessIndexQueueUpdateItem hook to AfterIndexQueueItemHasBeenMarkedForReindexing listener (d4840c7)
- [CI] Use the newest Composer 2.5.x (cfde511)
- [TASK] Prepare releases for EXT:solrfal 12.0.0 (b78868a)
- [TASK] Streamline EXT:solrfal events to same naming (a3e3e8e)
TYPO3 11.5 LTS
- [BUGFIX] add parentheses to function call backport by @thomashohn in #206
- [BUGFIX] undefined array key backport by @thomashohn in #207
- [BUGFIX::BP:11.0] Fix handling of invalid sites by @dkd-friedrich in #201
- [BUGFIX] cast to int by exact comparison operator by @dkd-kaehm in #214
- [TASK:BP:11.0] Support queue type setting by @dkd-friedrich in #199
- [BUGFIX:BP:11.0] Fix environment for overlays by @dkd-friedrich in #210
- [BUGFIX:BP:11.0] Fix observation of translations in RecordContext by @dkd-friedrich in #217
- [BUGFIX:BP:11.0] Respect configured languages in RecordContext by @dkd-friedrich in #228
- [TASK:BP:11.0] Include release documentation by @dkd-friedrich in #227
- [TASK] Improve exception handling (#190)
- [CLEANUP] Improve/simplify valid filePublicUrl
- [BUGFIX] Fix file detection in PageContext (#170)
- [BUGFIX] Undefined array key "_FILES" in StorageContextDetector line 167 (#172)
- [BUGFIX] Fix notices during indexing (#174)
- [TASK] Fix DocumentFactoryTest (#160)
- [BUGFIX] Ensure valid filePublicUrl (#164)
- [TASK:11.5] Sync EXT:solr and EXT:solrfal APIs
- [TASK] Apply TYPO3 Coding Standards on ext_*.php and Tests/Unit
- [BUGFIX] Fix progess bar styling
- [TASK] Remove not used ext_update file
- [TASK] Simplify controller's code
- [TASK] Use new namespace of PageRepository
- [TASK] Replace usage of TYPO3_REQUESTTYPE_CLI
- [TASK] Replace usage of TextExtractorRegistry::getInstance()
- [BUGFIX] Properly fake TSFE
- [TASK] Move extension icon
- [BUGFIX] Fix calls of getSolrConfigurationFromPageId
- [BUGFIX] Correct link to index queue module
- [BUGFIX] Make the backend module work again
- [TASK] Migrate signals of core to events (#159)
- [TASK] use TYPO3_VERSION and make it mandatory in composer scripts
TYPO3 10.4 LTS
- [TASK!!!] Clean up of legacy notation <link file:2016 syntax detection
- [TASK] Solarium 6 follow-ups
- [TASK] Drop TYPO3 9.5 support : via Util::getIsTYPO3VersionBelow10()
- [TASK] Change configuration files to TYPO3 file extensions
- [BUGFIX] RecordContextDetector uses always default language
- [BUGFIX] Fix type hinting issues
- [BUGFIX] Fix access evaluation in page context
- [BUGFIX] Access settings in PageContext ignored
- [BUGFIX] Ignore invalid sys_refindex entries
- [BUGFIX] print_r() expects bool, but int used in ConsistencyAspect
- [BUGFIX] Do not fail on PageContextDetector if file is not in database.
### Version 8.0.1
- [BUGFIX] print_r() expects bool, but int used in ConsistencyAspect
- [TASK] Setup tests properly for branch 8.0 use full version matrix
- [BUGFIX] Access settings in PageContext ignore
- [BUGFIX:BACKPORT:8] Ignore invalid sys_refindex entries
- [TASK] Reenable ResetQueueErrorsCommandTest
- [TASK] Change configuration files to TYPO3 file extensions
- [BUGFIX] Ignore invalid sys_refindex entries (#116)
- [BUGFIX] Fix type hinting issues
- [TASK] Editor configuration
- [BUGFIX] RecordContextDetector uses always default language
- [BUGFIX] print_r() expects bool, but int used in ConsistencyAspect
- [TASK] Setup tests properly for branch 8.0 use full version matrix
- [BUGFIX] Access settings in PageContext ignore
- [BUGFIX:BACKPORT:8] Ignore invalid sys_refindex entries
- [TASK] Reenable ResetQueueErrorsCommandTest
- [TASK] Change configuration files to TYPO3 file extensions
- [BUGFIX] Ignore invalid sys_refindex entries (#116)
- [BUGFIX] Fix type hinting issues
- [TASK] Editor configuration
- [BUGFIX] RecordContextDetector uses always default language
- Fix deprecations
- Adapt tests to run them against TYPO3 10.4 LTS
- Define EXT:Solr 11 as dependency in composer
- [TASK] EXT:solr 11 compatibility ::: TYPO3 9.5 fix unit tests
- [TASK] EXT:solr 11 compatibility ::: TYPO3 9.5 fix integration tests
- [TASK] EXT:solr 11 compatibility ::: activate travis matrix from EXT:solr
- [TASK] EXT:solr 11 compatibility ::: fix errors in tests against TYPO3 10
- [TASK] EXT:solr 11 compatibility ::: add strict type hinting
- [TASK] Apply PHP coding standards fixes
- [TASK] Prepare release 8.0.0
- [TASK] Prepare release 8.0.0 ::: enable failing on deprecations
- [BUGFIX] Do not fail on PageContextDetector if file is not in database.
- [TASK] set final dependencies
- [BUGFIX] travis does not fail on unit tests failures
- [TASK] skip ResetQueueErrorsCommandTest::testCommandCallsFlushMethod()
Obsolete versions
- [BUGFIX] print_r() expects bool, but int used in ConsistencyAspect
- [BUGFIX] Access settings in PageContext ignored
- [BUGFIX] RecordContextDetector uses always default language
- Feature: EXT:solr 10 followups (Adapt functional tests to use the side handling)
- Bugfix: Consider site on file detection in record context
- Bugfix: Catch all exceptions during indexing process and mark as failed
- Bugfix: Consider site on file detection in RecordContext
- Feature: EXT:solr 9 follow up, differ between reading and writing connections
- Bugfix: Catch indexing exceptions
- Bugfix: Catch solarium HttpException
- Feature: EXT:solr 9 follow up, use new location of Site class
- Feature: Allow to limit the indexing on a certain siteId (for solrconsosle)
- Feature: Implement ItemRepository::findBy for solrconsole
- Bugfix: Reindex files for PageContext after changing sys_file_metadata
- Feature: Add method "deleteBy" to ItemRepository for solrconsole
- Feature: Add option to index files, attached to a page
- Bugfix: Error when changing some files in filelist
- Bugfix: Usage of typo3-pagetree component is deprecated
- Bugfix: Initialize $_SERVER variables to proper index urls with fal-securedownloads
- Bugfix: Remove whitspace from command registration
- Bugfix: Set dependency from typo3/cms to typo3/cms-core in composer.json
- Feature: Add backend module to see the file indexing queue status
- Bugfix: PageContextDetector::addDetectedFilesToPage should return empty array, when page context is disabled
- Feature: Refactor connection handling to differ between read and write connections
- Feature: Add hook in PageContextDetector ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['solrfal']['PageContextDetectorAspectInterface']) to force added files in pageContext
- Bugfix: Prevent interruption of indexer when file is missing
- Feature: Allow to requeue from EXT:solr index inspector
- Feature: Added command "solrfal:resetQueueError" to reset errored items in the queue
- Bugfix: Prevent interruption of indexer with invalid connection
- Bugfix: findAllOutStandingMergeIdSets() does not recognize errored items
- Task: Remove Migrations\IntroduceIndexingConfiguration
- Task: Migrate queries to doctrine dbal
- [BUGFIX] Remove whitspace from command registration
- Bugfix: ItemGroupRepository::findAllOutStandingMergeIdSets() does not recognize errored items
- Bugfix: Invalid connection should not skip indexing process
- Feature: Add command "solrfal:resetQueueErrors" to reset errors in the file indexing queue
- Bugfix: PageContextDetector::addDetectedFilesToPage should return empty array when context is disabled
- Make "siteExclusiveRecordTables" configurable: By now the tables "pages", "pages_language_overlay" and "tt_content" where treated as "site exclusive records". A change on these record only triggers the detectors of the current site because checking references to other sites is not needed. Now this setting is configurable and the table "sys_file_reference" was added to the default tables since we also know from this table, that is only related to the current site.
- Make compatible with EXT:solr 7.0.0
- Problem with FrontendGroupRestrictions in backend context (8.7 only)
- Fixed file detection in pageContext, detected file uids have to be stored and considered in all indexing runs of a single page
- Fixed broken tests and initialize TSFE in pageContext since this is required in TYPO3 8 when the PageRepository is used
- Add CE textmedia to the list of content element types supported in the pageContext by default - Add cache to consistency aspect to avoid multiple processing of the same record
- Followup of split of Site into Site and SiteRepository in EXT:solr - Adapt Queue to implement method getStatisticsBySite to show number of files on file queue initialization (DeprecatesQueue::getItemsCountBySite and ItemRepository::countBySiteAndIndexConfigurationName).
- Trigger no detector when a page or content element is updated outside a site root
- Adapt tests for TYPO3 8 LTS - Add support for new link syntax(t3://file) support in FileAttachmentResolver
- Use the RootPageResolver instead of the Util functions - To allow grouping accross different systems a systemHash was added to the variantId, see github.com/TYPO3-Solr/ext-solr/pull/929
- Wrapped CliEnvironment to be used only in cli-mode, see github.com/TYPO3-Solr/ext-solr/pull/936
- Documentation is now a part from Git Repo.
- Document merging to avoid duplicates of multiple files
- Performance optimization in AbstractRecordDetector
- Fixed TS path in default template plugin.tx_solr.index.queue.__TABLENAME__.fields.url
- Performance fix in backend: When content or pages are updated, now only the detectors for the affected site are triggered instead of all. This gives a huge performance boost on systems with many sites.
- Fix handling of access restrictions in record context if fe_group is not in defined in enable columns
- Added possibility to configure webRoot or set it to PATH_site to allow having absRefPrefix auto in the TypoScript configuration
- Added improved observation of record, tt_content and sys_file_reference updates
- Add field variantId to the solr fields to allow variants for duplicates in EXT:solr
- Use configuration object from EXT:solr without array access operators
- Use correct var to load storage configuration in StorageContextDetector
- Missing namespace change in RecordContextDetector
- Add configuration options for valid and exclude folders in storage context
- Respect boolean clause limit and site
- Skip storage permission evaluation while running the indexing task "File Index Queue Worker"
- Use translated page for file reference information
- Fixed autoloader definition in ext_emconf.php
- Set EXT:solr dependency to 4.0.0 since TypoScript configuration object is not available until version 4
- Removed usage of deprecated method to get the table name ("getTableToIndexByIndexingConfigurationName()") and switched to TypoScript configuration object
- Fix file detection in record context to ensure file detection in translated records
- Added validity check to the file attachment resolver, to ensure that hidden references and missing files are not added to the index queue
- Registered new signal to remove files marked as missing
- Updates of sys_file records are respected
- Add file extension configuration option to record context
- Added check for non existing index queue items on updates to storage context detector
- Fix incomplete definition of index configuration name in storage context
- Fix record deletion handling. Since the site is determined by the affected record in the consitency checks, the deletion handling has to be triggered prior the record deletion.
- Fix autoload definitions
- Backported Performance fix in backend: When content or pages are updated, now only the detectors for the affected site are triggered instead of all. This gives a huge performance boost on systems with many sites.
- Fix handling of access restrictions in record context if fe_group is not in defined in enable columns
- Fix file detection in record context to ensure file detection in translated records
- Added validity check to the file attachment resolver, to ensure that hidden references and missing files are not added to the index queue
- Registered new signal to remove files marked as missing
- Updates of sys_file records are respected
- Added check for non existing index queue items on updates to storage context detector
- Fix incomplete definition of index configuration name in storage context
- Add configuration options for valid and exclude folders in storage context
- Respect boolean clause limit and site
- Fixed typo in __RecordContext configuration example
- Added hook in FileAttachmentResolver (FileAttachmentResolverAspectInterface) that can be used to modify the result of "detectFilesInField"
- Fix index queue initialization, since the site root wasn't considered entries of all sites were deleted or files of other site roots got detected
- ContextFactory provided context record field name instead of expected index configuration name. Fixed this by using the right database column
- Fixed Bug that space in "plugin.tx_solr.enableFileIndexing.pageContext.fileExtensions", was not handled properly
- Testrunner from solr and tika was added to run the unit tests with a simple script. Check the REAME file to see how to run them.
- Showing number of queued items in the solr backend module. When adding index queue items for files before, the backend module indicated that 0 items have been added.This bug has been fixed
- Created a log message, when now TextExtractor was found for the queue item: Now a log entry will be created when no text extractor was found for a specific file because this could be a wrong configuration.
- Breaking change from 08.07.2014 reverted
The change from summer 2014 has been replaced by an solution with less side affects and increased usability (no need to configure the storage indexation at two different places). You should remove the additional configuration again. - Extension now able to handle indexing configurations correctly
The RecordContext was not able to deal with indexing configuratons correctly when the name did not equal the table name.
In order to fix this database schema was changed and a full purge of all RecordContext files is needed. Please run the upgrade wizard in the extension manager. - Raised dependency to ext_solr to 3.1.1 and changed version to 2.1.1
- Added a log message when no text extractor was found for a queue item.
- Checked all unit tests and make them running again
- Add file content to indexed files
- Organize methods in order of usage in createDocumentForQueueItem()
- Move TypoScript registration into configuration folder
- Add ToDo comment
- Fix typo in variable name
- Merge EXT:filemetadata TS configuration
- Add EXT:filemetadata as dependency1
- Fix spaces -> tabs
- Add branch alias
- Add ClassAliasMap
- Update dependencies in emconf
- Update class names
- Add author name
- Update author company
- Change tabs to spaces
- Update composer.json
- Change namespace from TYPO3\Solr\Solrfal to ApacheSolrForTypo3\Solrfal
- Raise version to 2.1.0-dev
- [BUGFIX] #65798 Detection of IRRE-Attached files in translations fails
- [BUGFIX] #61751 #65674 Fix issues with realurl
- [BUGFIX] #65491 RecordContext not able to deal with indexing configuration when key differs table name
- [TASK] Raise version number
- [BUGFIX] Missing getTable()
- [BUGFIX] #61751 #65674 Fix issues with realurl
- [BUGFIX] #64918 RecordContext Translations have not been indexed
- [BUGFIX] #65798 Detection of IRRE-Attached files in translations fails
- [BUGFIX] #65342 Document Factory fails to resolve translations
- [TASK] Raise version number
- [TASK] Prepare the usage of multiple Migrations
- [CLEANUP] WhiteSpace issues
- [CLEANUP] Comment configuration examples
- [TASK] Extend default configuration for referenceURLs in page Context
- [BUGFIX] Configuration inheritance only did work for storageContext, not for in recordContext
- [TASK] Refactor configuration injection into own method
- [BUGFIX] Auto-detection of fileReferenceUrl and fileReferenceTitle does not work correctly
- [TASK] Document revert of fileReferenceUrl
- [CLEANUP] Add line-breaks to Readme
- [FEATURE] AutoDetect fileReferenceTitle and fileReferenceUrl
- [FEATURE] Allow to index fields for files using data of the related record
- [TASK] CleanUp the translation handling in the DocumentFactory
- [CLEANUP] Fix small typo
- [TASK] Improve DocComment
- [TASK] Documented revision of breaking change
- [BUGFIX][!!!] #64938 Typo in solrfal: Rename "attachements" to "attachments"
- [TASK] Add section about breaking changes
- [CLEANUP] Reformat to clean Markdown
- [TASK] Adapt version number and requirements
- [CLEANUP] Rename README.rst to README.md
- [CLEANUP] Small typo
- [TASK] Fix faulty checks on storage initialization
- [TODO] Added ToDos
- [TODO] CGL Cleanup, Added ToDos
- [TODO] Add todo for multi language record indexation
- [BUGFIX] Tweak labels for indexer task
- [TASK] Change spaces to tabs
- [TASK] Clean up code
- [TASK] Clean up code
- Remove setRecordData(), assign recordData while constructing recordContext
- Add fileReferenceUrl and fileReferencePid_intS
- [BUGFIX] Add default access value for files in storage context
- Remove unneeded lines; was as commented lines
- [BUGFIX] Wrong access rights prefix for storage context
- [BUGFIX] #59008 removeOldEntriesInPageContext doesn't respect sys_language_uid
- Assign defined table in TS configuration to in a recordContext
- Add the possibility for indexing files from file collection in pageContext.
- Add file_collections in pageContext and replace space characters with tabs
- Change log info for 'Purging index-queue...' and move to another position
- Change indexQueue: initizialize only if storage Context was checked/enabled in EXT:solr Search BE Modul
- Add Storage Context for Index Queue Initialization in TS
- Add quotes for context_type in removeByFileStorage in whereClause
- Add update script for renaming table field in Extension Manager
- Rename table field from context_addditional_fields to context_additional_fields
- [BUGFIX] wrong column name in table tx_solr_indexqueue_file: language -> context_language
- [BUGFIX] Wrong hierarchy level: tx_solr.queue -> tx_solr.index.queue
- [BUGFIX] Access rights are not indexed properly
- [BUGFIX] Recognize record indexing configurations with speaking configuration names, too
- [TASK] Don't truncate file-index-queue everytime
- [TASK] Use native category field for category indexation
- [BUGFIX] Wrong checks for enabled indexation in Record Context
- [BUGFIX] #58962 FileExtension set to wrong field in DocumentFactory
- [BUGFIX] Wrong hierarchy level for special configuration in Extended MetaData Typoscript
- [BUGFIX] Change recursion depth of json_decode to 2, since to rootlevel object already qualifies as first level
- Removed tika_content from TS
- [FEATURE] Add Signal to allow modification of translated MetaData
- [BUGFIX] Fix reference to locallang file
- [CLEANUP] CGL Cleanup in AdditionalFieldProvider
- [CLEANUP] Move additionalPageData for Document to PageContext
- [CLEANUP] CleanUp endtime handling and make it work for Record- and StorageContext
- [TASK] Add logging to InitializationAspect
- [TASK] Add logging to StorageContextDetector
- Get information from referenced page
- Moved ExtractingQuery to tika Extension
- Changed ExtractingQuery without Namespace because the SolrService from the EXT:solr
- Added ExtractingQuery
- Added Signals for TIKA
- [BUGFIX] TypoScript overrides title field
- [BUG] Missing access rights prevent facets to show up
- [BUGFIX] Remove* of IndexQueue do not remove entries from solr
- [BUG] Fixed incomplete initialisation of cObject for TyposcriptFields
- [TASK] Adapt to changes in EXT:solr: Change of Interface for PostProc…
- [BUGFIX] TSFE needs to be initialized for fieldsConfiguration with cObjects
- [CLEANUP] Optimize default configuration
- [TASK] Finalize PageContext indexing
- [BUGFIX] Fix wrong sql-field in PageContext
- [BUGFIX] Wrong order of params when triggering PageContextDetector
- [CLEANUP] Small changes in FileAttachmentResolver
- [TASK] Add Logger to AbstractRecordDetector
- [CLEANUP] Import GeneralUtility
- [TASK] Register HelperAspect in frontend pageIndexing process
- [TASK] Configure Logging-Framework for solrfal
- [TASK] Add initial version of PageContextDetection
- [TASK] Make Repository function more versatile
- [TASK] Add attachment resolving for <link file:XY> tags
- [TASK] Remove explicit commit, since it is not needed anymore as of solr 4.0
- [TASK] Extract detection of of files in records to Service
- [BUGFIX] Make ItemRepository more failsafe
- [TASK] Comment page context for now
- [TASK] Create Support for RecordContextDetector and TCEmain update hook
- [CLEANUP] Fix CodeSniffer in ItemRepository
- [TASK] Split out getFieldsToIndex()
- [TASK] Finish RecordContextDetection
- [BUGFIX] Fix Group Fields reference and db
- [TASK] Detect files in links in input fields by link browser
- [BUGFIX] Ignore ProcessedFiles while Indexing
- [BUGFIX] DatabaseCompare does not detect key due to missing space
- [TASK] Refactor StorageContextDetector and add "Detection" of added files
- [TASK] Implement update and delete triggers for StorageContext
- [BUGFIX] Fix usage of usage of deprecated method
- [BUGFIX] "update" and "new" trigger datamap not cmdmap hooks in DataHandler
- [BUGFIX] Fix wrong usage of ArrayUtility
- [TASK] Implement RecordContextDetector
- [TASK] Register Consistency Aspect to TCEmain hooks
- [BUGFIX] Minor fixes in DocumentFactory
- [BUGFIX] Indexer should not crash on missing files
- [BUGFIX] Error message is not stored correctly if indexing fails
- [TASK] Fix wrong depencies which lead to PackageManager FuckUp
- [TASK] Fix Todo and remove manually retrieving files
- [TASK][WIP] Record Extraction
- [TASK] Add Detectors to Context Registry
- [TASK] Merge EventReceiver into ConsistencyAspect
- [TASK][WIP] Kickstart ChangesDetection
- [TASK][WIP] Kickstart RecordContextDetector
- [TASK] Add InitialisationStatus to RecordDetectionInterface
- [CLEANUP] InitialisationAspect
- [TASK] Add File UID to document
- [TASK] Pull two functions up to Abstract class
- [BUGFIX] Typo in Classname
- [CLEANUP] Fix a PHPdoc comment
- [CLEANUP] Add a PHPdoc comment
- [BUGFIX] Wrong Settings-Retrieval
- [TASK] Refactor the DocumentFactory to Extend TypoScript Field Definitions
- [BUGFIX] Fix some Bugs on IndexQueue Initialisation for Storages
- [TASK] Add FieldProcessingService as external Utility doing some DocumentManipulation stuff from copied form tx_solr or accessing tx_solr
- [TASK] Extend the Context with Dynamic Fields and Custom TypoScriptResolval
- [TASK] Extend TypoScript Configuration
- [BUGFIX] Additional fields of contexts are not saved to database
- [TASK] Indexer must update items with Indexing status
- [TASK] Do the actual indexing
- [TASK] Adapt Indexing configuration so fileadmin is indexed as example
- [TASK] Add StorageContextDetector to Queue Initialization
- [TASK] Kickstart Detection Layer
- [TASK] Make constructor parameters for Item optional
- [TASK] Add TypoScript Configuration
- [TASK] Make sure Solr-Documents are purged if an Item is removed from Queue
- [TASK] Add Indexing to Scheduler Task
- [TASK] Rename and Refactor Persistence Manager to full Repository
- [TASK] Finalize Context to Document mapping in DocumentFactory
- [TASK] Add AdditionalFields to Context
- [TASK] Add Getter for PageId to ContextInterface
- [WIP][TASK] Add initial Indexer
- [WIP][TASK] Add DocumentFactory creating a Solr Document based on an QueueItem
- [CLEANUP] Move and rename GarbageCollection
- [FEATURE] Create Queue\Item and create extendable indexing context
- [TASK] Prepare GarbageCollection
- [DOKU] Added some findings to README.rst
- [TASK] Extend IndexingTask and register it to scheduler
- [FEATURE] Add failure detection to sql and PersistenceManager
- [TASK] Add locallang file with scheduler labels
- [TASK] Add .htaccess to secure Resources/Private
- [CLEANUP] Migrate AdditionalFieldProvider to namespaces classes and apply small fixes
- [TASK] Copy AdditionalFieldProvider of SchedulerTask from solrfile
- [TASK] Prepare scheduler task for file indexing
- [TASK] Introduce PersistenceManager
- [TASK][!!!] Rename "root" to "site" in tx_solr_indexqueue_file
- [TASK] ReIntroduce PostInitializationHook
- [TASK] Add SQL definition for FileIndexingQueue
- [TASK] Initial commit for version 2.0
- [TASK] Remove version 1.0 to create 2.0 from scratch
- [TASK] Set extension status to stable
- [TASK] Remove debug code
- [FEATURE] Find files in header links
- [TASK] Minor tweak in object instantiation
- [FEATURE] Find files in bodytext fields
- [FEATURE] Find files from file collections
- [FEATURE] Detect files in uploads:media