AKAD Bildungsgesellschaft mbH
The AKAD-Group is the biggest private education institution for correspondence course in Germany. Within the website relaunch the TYPO3-Extension Solr, which enables a fast search through the content, has been integrated. The Solr-Extension take…
MoreAmsterdam School of Arts
The Amsterdam School of the Arts (AHK) uses Solr to help both external visitors and internal users (students and staff) find their way on the website. The AHK consists of six schools or academies; Solr enables visitors to search the websites of all…
MoreUniversity of Hohenheim
Solr for TYPO3 supports the searcher with features like Spellchecking, Autosuggest and Faceted Search. In addition it filters the results in accordance with the user Access-Rights. Implementation by dkd Internet Service GmbH
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