TYPO3 Solr
+49 69 24752180

Solr for TYPO3 - our Roadmap

The development of Apache Solr for TYPO3 started in January 2009. A limited version of the extension was released in the TYPO3 Extension Repository during the International TYPO3 Conference T3CON09 in Frankfurt.

We continue to develop this extension thru the continued financial support of our sponsors. Please visit our online store for current information about our EB offers..

You can find all releases of EXT:solr also on GitHub: https://github.com/TYPO3-Solr/ext-solr/releases

Upcoming Versions

Next releases:

  • Q1 2025
    Focus: TYPO3 13 compatible releases of solrconsole and solrdebugtools

All dates under the condition of achieved financial funding.
Please contact us if you want to join or prolong your funding partnership.

Current Version

Previous Versions

You can find a detailed list of the changes on our changelog pages: